Andrew Pschirrer's New Book "Foggy Notions: Memorandum of a Man-in-the-Making" is Part Memoir, Part Exterior Help, Part Interior Guidance, Part Something Unspoken.

Andrew Pschirrer, a self-described student of life, has completed his most recent book “Foggy Notions: Memorandum of a Man-in-the-Making”:  the noteworthy account of someone who has lived within, around, under the weight of, and symbiotically detached from depression for nearly a quarter of a century.

Andrew finds his work to be more than worth the challenges that come with it. He says, “As a duty and a calling, my life is now dedicated to rebuilding men and restoring hope.”

Published by Fulton Books, Andrew Pschirrer’s book begins nearly ten years ago as depression became the inspiration for the author to begin scribbling down his own personal experiences and observations, documenting the overwhelming battle for his mind, if only to simply deal with the mounting frustrations, struggles, angst, and confusion. These recorded thoughts began to add up and collect moss of reflection, introspection, and retrospection, eventually evolving into sixteen separate yet intertwining chapters, from the warm, flexible facts of his beginnings to the resilient joys of finding so many opportunities in the plentiful mistakes of his ongoing journey. Mistakes such as being one of the first students in his grade accepted to college yet failing to show up for high school graduation, then boldly entering into a major of psychology nearly twenty years later in a perfectly ripe season.

Herein lies the informal record of someone who was color blind at birth, taxpayer at fourteen, high school dropout at eighteen, married at twenty, divorced at twenty-three, and insatiable student of life from then on.

Waiting patiently within the pages are a little bit of logic and a whole lot of lessons learned. After spending most of his life chasing and wasting time, somehow Andrew always seems to have an ample amount left over at exactly the right instant to do what he needs to in the perfect span of ticks and tocks.

Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “Foggy Notions: Memorandum of a Man-in-the-Making” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books


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