James Lewis' New Book 'Triple Double' Is a Thrilling Investigation into a Mysterious Crime in the Northwestern States

James Lewis, a former musician in the rock and bluegrass genres and father of six, has completed his most recent book "Triple Double":  a gripping and potent novel that follows a criminal case being investigated and is slowly unraveling its possibility of being linked to a century-long mystery.

James writes, "In the Northwestern states, along the I-90 corridor of Washington, Idaho, and Montana, three brutal homicides occur over a two-year period in time. Could they be related? Former forensics deputy Abron Kelsey and FBI-assigned agent Jake Monroe will suffer injuries, lose friends, and experience family separation. One of the greatest clues to solving the current mystery occurred over a century earlier in Butte, Montana. Triple Double is teeming with love, lives lost, and real treasure."

Published by Fulton Books, James Lewis' book is an interesting and riveting tale filled with a venture into mysteries unknown.

With themes that circle around family, love, friends, justice, and secrets—readers will love every turn of events.

Readers who wish to experience this exciting work can purchase "Triple Double" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at gregory@fultonbooks.com or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books


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